links for 2009-06-30

  • The world's most high-profile file-sharing website, The Pirate Bay (TPB), has lifted the lid on its new video sharing website, The Video Bay.
  • nula is the source of a ser­ies of file­casts, each con­sist­ing of an as­semb­lage of sounds, im­ages, or words, made avail­ab­le for down­load, shar­ing, com­men­tary, and fur­ther man­i­pu­la­tion.
  • The Hacker Camp co-operates as a team, only true Hackers are accepted and can participate. Participating in a Social RFID Hacker Camp normally costs € 1.250,-. For 30 students the Apollo program pays the access to Social RFID Hacker Camp ’09—1 on August 24th to 28th 2009 . You can be one of them if you have the right skills.
    This applies only to students from eductional programs in Amsterdam like Articifial Intelligence, Robotica, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Interaction Design. If you do not fit this description but still want to participate, follow the instructions here.