GoogleBrowser, graphic network of related sites.


The search engines have entered strongly into our lives and in our imagination. Through the use of these valuable tools we can in fact jump from question to another, seemingly without any effort. This all-pervasive presence of Google and his younger brothers favored in recent years, the emergence of numerous research projects (as well as artistic tout court), including a mention apart is worth GoogleBrowser , made ​​by the French company TouchGraph in collaboration with Germany's Martin Spernau. It is a Java applet that is launched on the most popular search engine in order to see all the sites "related" (ie sites with similar content) than the site the subject of our research. For those who dwelt at least once to see how a search engine sees the Web, GoogleBrowser is definitely the best answer, the graph that the application generates in response to our input is extraordinary in view abstraction which is the network of links between the site of our research and its "neighbors." An important concept, however, is that GoogleBrowser displays not only the sites that link to each other to each other through links, but also (indeed especially) sites that are united by the same content, or sites that are characterized by an affinity semantics. Once you set an initial site as the object of our research, GoogleBrowser goes to find the top 10 sites that show an identity of content, then (for each of our double-click) displays the first 10 related to each of the sites resulting from the first research and so on (up to a maximum of 110 nodes). These characteristics have led to the successful implementation especially among bloggers, who make use of blogs aimed at identifying similar content compared to their own, but in reality you can use GoogleBrowser also to discover unsuspected "relatives" on our site .