Honeypot illegal.

The ' honeypot 'diversionary software are designed to attract hackers inexperienced in the areas of corporate networks closely monitored, diverting attention from the areas most at risk and with valuable information. These zones 'safe' are carefully controlled by network administrators, recording every character from the intruder, whose innocuous moves can be observed by the system which in turn can ~ understand the flaws of the same system. A lawyer with the U.S. Justice Department has feared for ~ at the RSA Conference that these techniques can be treated legally as 'tapping', which if not authorized in the United States constitute an offense punishable with the penalty of imprisonment up to five years. The situation becomes complicated when the intruder installs a chat system so other unsuspecting users find themselves in an unauthorized system and simultaneously check of their conversations, or worse make that platform a starting point for other attacks. Finally the intruder, uncovered, could still sue the company for unauthorized interception, while none? so far been accused of violating un'honeypot, which, after all, is implemented just to be violated.