It's Out, web art for the aesthetic mind.

. Art

24.06.02 It's Out, web art for the aesthetic mind.
Scott Snibbe is an American artist who created this work of web art ( It's Out ), written in java that starts from 'koan' paradoxes taught to Buddhist monks to encourage them to leave the reason and to engage in the development of lighting intuitive. In this case demonstrates the attempt to make out a large goose from a small bottle without damaging any of the two, in a classic logic puzzle / visual. You can try to experiment by changing the image by clicking and dragging the mouse, but the same in less than no time will begin to distort. Its vectorial, in fact, it liquefies while you interact, and allows you to observe the forms which may curl on themselves. The effect, combined with the gradual disintegration of the elegant design, it induces a different dimension of perception, taking the deduction on a little-known territory and letting the disorientation and the inability to go back, unless at the starting point, to characterize their own mental activity.