(edited by) Max Hernández Calvo, José-Carlos Mariátegui, Jorge Villacorta – El mañana fue hoy : 21 años de videocreación y arte electrónico en el Perú


Alta Tecnología Andina, ISBN-13: ISBN: 978-6124793509, English, Spanish, 592 pages, 2018, Perù

This 600-page tome, including texts in both Spanish and English, is a historical account, compiled through multiple voices, of the Peruvian video and electronic art scene. José-Carlos Mariátegui, founder of the pivotal Alta Tecnología Andina organisation in the mid-nineties in Lima, joins forces here with Calvo and Villacorta to both write and compile this book, inspired by the retrospective exhibition “metadATA, 20 Years of Culture, Art and Technologies”. The book is divided into section, including ’festivals’, ’communities’, ’innovation’ and ’discussions’. This division is more functional than conceptual, as most of the texts are cross-referenced, reflecting the networked structure of the people and activites they refer to. This web of resonating endeavours is composed text after text, starting with video art and expanding in multiple media art directions. It is mostly comprised of chronological accounts of events and participants, including the background infrastructure enabling them, and the specific importance of each. The result is a juxtaposed timeline, which gives a clear idea of the productions and their evolution over time. This book, then, fills another important gap in Latin American media art history, giving us the chance to understand and archive the work of the active and challenging Peruvian community.