@C – 0° – 100°


CD – Monochrome Vision
From Monochrome Vision, a label in Moscow dedicated to contemporary electronic sound experimentations, comes an interesting project signed by @C, the duo of Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais, an ensemble well known to the “aficionados” of particularly abstract and conceptual scenes. The meeting between these two artists engages in sophisticated digital manipulation and audio-video improvisation. The artists have been careful to construct scores that adapt well to performance events (from this, unsurprisingly, stems the collaboration‚ quite a common practice in festivals – with another filmmaker, Lia (from Austria), a sort of additional member of the “group”, who in this case is responsible for the artwork). “0¬∞ – 100¬∞” is divided into eight parts, assembled primarily from recordings made in different cities and countries around the world between 2005 and 2009, following the inspiration of a liquid and whirling movement, dense with percolations and phase transitions, in a modular and open composition, full of uncommon sound emergencies and interesting structural developments.