scoreLight, playing contours

Alvaro Cassinelli

Blind people have a different conventional way to “see.” They use a walking stick to sense borders around them, and their task is made easier when they can use a special rubber guidance route on the street. This process is not too conceptually distant from pickup and vinyl mechanics, and it’s also the same idea that Alvaro Cassinelli, Daito Manabe and Yusaku Kuribara have applied in “scoreLight.” This is a prototype musical instrument that generates sound in real time, recognizing the lines of doodles or the contours of three-dimensional objects through a laser beam. The curvature of lines influence the sound generation as well as their color and contrast, and sudden changes in direction create rhythms. It’s a playful dialogue between the scanning laser and the person “composing” the sound through different purposely created “changes.” And it’s a gestural one, implying the preparation of the material that will be played, that in fact is the score. The red light spot, then, becomes “live”, as if a small creature, eager to play in the differences.