Schurer > Steinbruchel –

Bernd Schurer

CD – Nonvisualobjects
This is contemporary substance, even if the composing method is explicitly sported as a derivative one from the historical avant-gardes, relating to the aleatory techniques used by surrealists, usually defined as “exquisite corpse”. Minimal and charming elaborations, outcome of an installation exhibited at the Zurich Kunsthaus (an audio/video performance completed with the renowned Yves Netzhammer visuals). There are eight tracks composed by Bernd Schurer and Ralph Steinbrüchel, diluted with calibrated dissonances, glitch evolutions and drones in consecutive sequences, each resulting from the other’s contribution, but only knowing the previous final part and starting from it going on adding their own stuff and ideas. Non Visual Objects is a Viennese label run by the sound-artist Heribert Friedl and the graphic designer Ralp Moser. They are very careful to properly contextualize every research direction, and in this case the outcome proves they’re right. The coherent procedures correspond to rarefied atmospheres, fascinating reverbs and an overall enjoyable listening experience.