John Luther Adams – Red Arc / Blue Veil

John Luther Adams

CD – Cold Blue Music
Airy threads, piano melodies with percussions, played respectively by Stephen Drury and Scott Deal, in polyrhythmic constructions, with tempo variations and elegant improvisational overtones, divided in different combinations in the four tracks of this album, and joined in calibrated electronic grafts. The soundscape is definitely wide in tones and harmonies, but without excessively complicated structures in the background, to keep this meeting of notes and rhythms pure. Dreamlike music, full of tales and images, almost classical for the splendor it evokes. The instrumental ensemble, even in its digital implementations, is perceived, in the intentions of the authors themselves, as a single entity and, similarly, the compositions are coherent to this organic unity, producing very balanced and gentle ambient results reminiscent of the experimental and creative American contemporary music tradition.