Billboard Liberation Front Creative Group.

Billboard Liberation Front Creative Group

The media coverage of urban public space (the place most affolato of stimuli to the purchase of goods, with the exception of the television screen) has prompted the creation of many different handling practices of the same, unmasking the invasions of our (fragile) sensitivity to 'image. The large billboards ('Billboard'), in particular, can bring into the industries of deposit, for a given period of time, an abundance of stimuli of static fulfill purchase of their product on the retina of a large chunk of the population. The artistic work of these great spaces (already explored in the past and historical context of the book Billboard: Art on the Road ) is the means used by the Billboard Liberation Front Creative Group to an equally spectacular and effective critique of the culture of cloying and a liar ' mass advertising. Coping with a flawless production made up of characters and backgrounds identical to the originals, not to mention the added 'physical', like the statues of nightmare in the case of McDonald's ("To Serve Man"), the anonymous group of sappers faces outposts paper road retouching fundamentals of corporate slogan riaprendone in a tremendous subliminal ways large and unspoken social ills of the U.S..