Taxonomy of my Room + The Journal for Patterns Recognised, art of daily routes.

Taxonomy of my Room

The descriptive ability of language have undoubtedly experienced a sharp acceleration from the possibility of confrontation and access, greatly amplified by the horizontality of the network. The acquisition of new possibilities to outline the real and the imaginary was partly induced by continuous comparison with the structural patterns of the code and the possibilities of its recursive. Excellent in this editors, creators of the performance . walk and L-Expression showed a further detournazione of a classic instrument graphic / text for purposes representative. Taxonomy of my Room , fact, using an object oriented data model for describe the room of the author. According to the same, write a taxonomy of a familiar and accessible for remote is a bit 'as it can' visit 'or reconstruct in his mind on an object conceptual hybrid between an inventory and a mind map. Among these oblique trajectories representation there is a further attempt to follow up this type of practices psychogeographical evolved, legitimizing them through an enlargement of the comparison. It is the creation of an online magazine (in PDF format and the need for any employee to print at least 5 copies to distribute to friends and family) The Journal for Patterns Recognised devoted to the techniques of pattern recognition within specific data designed for a different interpretation. The undoubted fascination with creation of new spaces of imagination by means of common models linguisitici thus risks of contaminating extensively analysis and production of electronic works, infusing lifeblood in intellectual production through continuous gym possible prospects.