Gravity and Resistance project, dialogue between body and space.

Gravity and Resistance project

Already the artistic avant-garde of the early twentieth century attempted, in reference to science, what we now attempt an architect and a Japanese artist with a technological device much richer: represent € ™ s invisible. Seiko Mikami and Sota Ichikawa are the authors of Gravity and Resistance , an installation project that uses several versions to make manifest the mutual forces existing in a dynamic system. Through basic interactions-with-real-time users, you want to rethink € ™ s gravitational environment in which we are immersed as an interface of our perception. In its latest version, 2.0 gravicells, presented at the DEAF 2004 , sensory devices in the pavement detect the position and weight of one or more users crossing the room, while a GPS device on-site measures the position of the exhibition space and satellites GPS in orbit attached to it. So a software returns all these data as graphs or, more poetically, as movements of sounds, lights (LED) and geometric images that reflect the dynamics in a combined gravitational, positions, movements and changes in speed of participants and satellites. Even in version 1.0 'for anechoic room' gravity is represented in real time-like sound and image. Allâ € ™ inside an anechoic chamber software reworks data relating to changes in position, tilt and weight of the user, as well as the internal sounds of the body, respectively detected by a moveable platform, two cameras and a contact sensor. Lâ € ™ output consists of a bright line that cuts horizontally the walls of the room (and represents the sense € ™ s balance) and a three-dimensional sound space. That € ™ s aesthetic environments-the formal composure who indulges in the spectacular-not distract us from the purpose: if someone in the middle of the rooms described, they will get to rethink the force of gravity nellâ € ™ eternal dialogue between the body and space, then the work will have hit the mark.