Atlas of Cyberspace

Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0201745755 See the invisible, this is one of the tasks of the cartographers of the network, from the first insights of the vastness and complexity of the communication infrastructure worldwide have sought models and abstractions to build a complete image of parts of the network same. The methods generally seek to produce a quantization of the structure is recreated with or without a three-dimensional perspective. While most part devoted to the assessment of efficiency of the different techniques, the text offers insight into the vast research centers in those open source, to the aesthetic interpretations that have occurred over time. The mapping of community and joint social and architectural abstractly, is in this context one of the most fascinating prospects, including fascinating physical models, like the one made in 1998 for BayMOO. The development of online communities is unplanned developments and ramifications, and little by branching spontaneee irregimentabili. The last part of the dedicated to the imaginary cyberspace opens the door to artistic elaborations and the creation of new coordinates to represent data and information flows. The network is then represented by signs and from different levels, with plans that develop or contract from the ideas of the authors, but proving once again, if proof were needed, the anarchic and spontaneous physical network structure that reflects in full its unpredictable social dynamics.