eVolution, art and artificial intelligence.

Scioltesi the promises of cheap special effects, artificial intelligence is used in art projects with good reason, with the emphasis on the autonomy of the code and its ability to effectively simulate life processes. A witness to this approach is eVolution , a current exhibition at the gallery Art Interactive in Cambridge (United States). Curated by Christiane Paul, presents works begin at different times, but the problem of a work of art 'living', which does not remain forever embedded in its historical period, but changing reaches a state of independence and evolves continuously. The works on display are four. 'Bush Soul # 3' by Rebecca Allen, is a project that has been ongoing since 1997 and is part of the broader Emergence. You control your avatar and all that does is' relate 'with the changing other in many ways, from the simple connotation of' friendly 'or hostile', to 'live' another avatar or receive feedback via a joystick. 'Giver of Names' David Rokeby, became operational in 1990 and is a system capable of analyzing the physical objects chosen by visitors, and describe them after they have 'seen'. The image processing is coupled to a database for associations, which also produces a series of sensations associated with forms, representing a temporary perception of the car that turns constantly. 'A-Volve' Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau, however, allows users to create creatures that interact in the space of a small pool of glass, outlining his fingers a form that immediately takes connatati three-dimensional and 'swims' in the water, reacting to the movements of the hands of visitors. The form is inevitably the ability of the creature to survive and reproduce focusing on our role in influencing the development of ecosystems. 'Instant Places' of Maciej Wisniewski , finally, completed in 2002 is defined as a 'software fiction', in which, in a space interconnected autonomous living characters in the form of 'prey' and 'predators'. All the characters are identified by their characteristics (name, place, activity status) displayed in text next to them and interact with each other through instant messaging could also instantly switch from one computer to another on the network to which they belong, the disintegrating concept of physical space, and implementing a radical redefinition of the concept of distance.