A Portrait … of Netochka Nezvanova, slide show of her own life.

The data layers that accumulate in the folds of the hard drives can be surprising how much a box of old clippings clippings and photos, reopened after a few years. A Portrait … Netochka Nezvanova of Adrian Ward, is an application that extracts and restates in a chaotic sequence the images you encounter by taking a random path from your home directory. In his title is mentioned the famous aggressive fictitious identity, able to find references and network file surprising in its approach to meaning, making them public through the equally famous intrusive interventions in the mailing list. The sequence resulting overlaps and intersects only jpg (in the free version) capable of evoking a near and distant past and at the same time, the relative rapidity of succession, fling memories and consciousness among dozens of personal episodes, periods of employment, and simple visions related to a time more or less precise, in a process that continuously tickles its own memory. A relatively simple algorithm, which used wisely, this allows visual slide show of her own life, moving in all directions, and strengthening the link between the accumulated data and history daily.