WiFi-SM, a parody of the painful total information.

WiFi-SM is a site-travesty that proposes the purchase of a non-existent product to mock the utopia to be connected anytime, anywhere, interfacing, in the data, one's body with the flow of news in the network (more than 4,500 according to the advertising ). The gadget has the enstensione SM (BDSM), because every occurrence of words like 'death, kill, murder, torture, rape, war, virus, etc..' should send a small electrical discharge riabitui the user to a physical reaction, caused by congenital overcome indifference to the daily bombardment of such news. A piece of hardware only imagined, then, but that would not actually so difficult to design as demonstrated by the achievements of the masochistic group fur ( PainStation and href = ".. / nnews / legshocker.htm" target = "new"> LegShocker) approcciandosi culturally pain. The author Christophe Bruno has often proven to know combine daring combinations of meaning, as in The Google AdWords Happening , GogolChat and Nonweddings , but in WiFi-SM is able to touch a raw nerve in the mediascape, and that is the addiction to news, and the boost needed to riuscirne to discern the primary meanings. No pain, no game.