. Pun, on censorship and its derivatives.

. Pun, on censorship and its derivatives , an event that includes a convention, some installations, dj / vj September The central theme is that of censorship, the invisible weapon of control of the social fabric through the forms of communication and one of the organizers is also on Small Network Against War. Among the guests stands the name of the American Kenneth Hung that after receiving the honors Ars Electronics last year (and have published a screen in the centerfold of Neural 19), will present an installation designed specifically for this event. Other speakers will include Stephen Marshall, creator of the historical project video Channel Zero, then presenting his new work, the film '9 / 11 The Aftermath ', and Domenico Bartolo di AustralianInFront. A workshop with UBQ, LaVectoria, Groin, Domenico Bartolo and Terrorpilot complete the full program that also provides for the presentation of the first issue of the magazine inguineMAH! Gazine.