All Hackmeeting 2003!

Its sixth edition, the ' hackmeeting is a major event for all those who believe in critical and conscious use of new media. Located on the Barrio of Turin, as every year includes a wealth of seminars offered spontaneously through the mailing list in recent months, self-organized and informal, giving a significant cross-section of techniques and visions of activism, security, and more generally of the state the art of computer science seen from the privileged of the underground. From basic courses in Linux, Cyberfeminism of Bettytech, debate sull'EUCD, software Paranoy, to Honeypots, distribution of linux cd Dyne: bolic, wireless technologies, graphical applications for Linux, Retrocomputing, Freenet, with Tommaso Tozzi and presentation of the new book by Shake on, and the tricks of Radiocybernet. International guests: Juan Carlos who will talk about some amazing free software projects carried out in Latin America (Red Escolar Libre, Telecentros populares, Hipatia) and Tim of the Chaos Computer Club who will give a presentation of the project Blinkenlights and neighbor Chaos Computer Camp. There will also be part of the drafting of the new Neural preview issue.