Criptographever, discover alleged hidden messages.

. Art

28.01.03 Criptographever, discover alleged hidden messages.
Criptographever is a server side application that locates alleged messages 'hidden' within any text. The work starts from the assumption that how it was done from past civilizations through the medium of their respective eras, even on the internet there are hidden amount of secret messages, hidden in the midst of seemingly harmless text of web pages. The algorithm required for decryption makes a difference to be able to 'read' the message correctly, and then the authors themselves as interpreters of the secrets of the code. The same authors have already realized the abstract ' Waste of Time ', and here also are able to field an imaginative vision of the network, in this case information storage camouflaged to find. Leveraging on secrecy, on curiosity and paranoia, the program draws like a psychic who claims to be able to read the future and returns enigmatic messages of meaning surprisingly accomplished.