Defense: Do not take foreign security experts.

. Hacktivism

04/11/02 Defense: do not take security experts abroad.
The U.S. Department of Defense, or the U.S. correspondent of our Ministry of Defence, issued the Information Technologies companies that collaborate with the local authority, directives of a new personnel policy that prohibits the same companies to have employees who are not nationals U.S. plans to 'unclassified'. Among the immediate negative consequences of such a measure, short-sighted to say the least, there could be thousands of layoffs and hasty assumptions of low skilled. In particular, according to the companies that deal with information security policy is simply dangerous for the development of reliable code, and the manifestation of this position he's taken charge the ' Information Technology Association of America (ITAA). According to Pete Nelson, responsible for the safety of personnel for the DoD, you should treat it just an assumption encouragement of fellow countrymen and in any case to make stringent checks of all employees. The armature for the companies that provide the department has reached a record of 195,000 contracts. According to the chairman of the Indus Entrepreneurs, a group of entrepreneurs from southern Asia, the government is giving the foot losing a lot of brains to a senseless policy. In addition, the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, urges to organize against this measure, which could lead to new coalitions between immigrant workers.