Audio Fingerprinting by Philips.

. EMusic

07:01:02 Audio Fingerprinting by Philips.
How to identify a song heard on the radio or accidentally, identifying author and title? While waiting for the developments of the standard mpeg permit in a standard way, Philips has announced that by the end of the year will market its solution 'audio fingerprinting', to recognize through a few notes, as well as artist and title, also ' album of origin. Everything placing near the sound source a cell phone for three seconds, the time required to recreate the'' fingerprint 'of the song in question. The phone sends the code to a database that compares with the large amount of encoded data and returns a text message to the user. Being developed by Philips Digital Networks, the product is intended to be sold as a complete server related software, the major phone companies. The algorithm classifies the songs used depending on the notes, tones, the speed of the variety and dynamics. At the moment the database contains 300,000 tracks and it should be remembered that even Microsoft is developing similar technology.