Now Festival.

. Art

22:10:01 Now Festival.
Inaugurated today, but will continue until November 11 at the Future-Peace Center in Nottingham, England, the Now Festival . Among the artists present, especially relating to the scope performative, Janet Cardiff ('Forty Part Motet', an installation of 40 entries issued by many amplifiers along a corrodoio of a cloister), Active Ingredient ('Moon Radio', an experimental TV channel with sound, film, video and performance), Jeanie Finlay ('Citizens', an experiment in virtual city through contemporary writing, digital images and web), Michelle Vacciana ('A Video Installation', an installation that deals with the same cinematic narrative ), Gob Squad ('Where do you want to go to die?' disturbing audio-video installation on the territory of Berlin) and Stelarc ('Hexapod', in the image, her new job, which connects to a similar prosthesis an insect-robot with six legs and new choreographic possibilities of interaction between man and machine). Also provided excerpts from the program OneDotZero and, among other things, two conferences, one of Simon Shepherd entitled 'engeneered bodies, cyborgs, performer-training and the breasts of lolo ferrari', on the border between body and object, and the other by Viacheslav Belavkin on 'Computer codes and quantum mechanics'.