Avanto Festival.

. EMusic

05:10:01 Avanto Festival.
From tomorrow until the 11th of September there is the ' Avanto Helsinki Media Art Festival , an international event of electronic

Res Fest.

. Art

04:10:01 Res Fest.
The Gate was inaugurated today at the cinema in the Notting Hill area of London Res Fest , the traveling festival of

Report on the SIAE.

. EMusic

10/04/01 Report on the SIAE.
Tonight's episode Report (RaiTre at 20:50) will be entitled 'The background of the SIAE'. Curated by Bernardo Iovene proposes an



. Art
04:10:01 123456789px.
123456789px is a work of net.art that seem to suffer from post-industrial aesthetics of the past decade, with a minimal approach every


. Art

03:10:01 Cult2001.
They open today at the Danish National Gallery in Copenhagen (Denmark), the conference Cult2001 , dedicated this year to the theme: 'New visions

Commedia dell'arte in VR.

. Art

03:10:01 Commedia dell'arte in VR.
'Die durchwegun der haut' is a project based virtual reality 'Commedia dell'Arte' Italian of the '500. It consists of a


. Art

02:10:01 Pixelblocks.
Pixelbox is a work built with a java applet from Tomek Zela, consists of a block of cubic pixels, a sort of zoom

Impakt Festival.

. Art

02:10:01 Impakt Festival.
It starts today at the Central Museum in Utrecht (Netherlands), the twelfth edition of ' video Impakt festival , a series of

Bandwidth problems.

. EMusic

10.01.01 Problems of bandwidth.
The bandwidth (bandwidth) starts to be insufficient in college. Here, in fact, downloading music and video files is becoming a common


. Art

01:10:01 Meta4walls.
meta4walls is an art project about online privacy developed by Lucas Bambozzi. It consists of a test site, programmed in Flash, which simulates