
. Art

12:10:01 Servecity.
At the historic center of Bauhaus Dessau, Germany, today and tomorrow will take place on the international symposium ' Servecity, living and working

Maap / Extreme.

. Art

12:10:01 Maap / Extreme.
Inaugurated today in Brisbane, Australia, the fourth edition of the Multimedia Art Asia Pacific , an art festival of new media,


. EMusic

12:10:01 Elektronic.
From now until October 18 at the Barbican Centre in London will be held ' Elektronic ', electronic music festival dedicated to the


. Art

12:10:01 CTRL [SPACE].
It opens today at the ZKM (Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechnologie) in Karlsruhe, Germany, CTRL [SPACE] , an exhibition of works and

Wizard of OS.

. Hacktivism

10/11/01 Wizard of OS.
After two years since the first edition Wizard of OS , dedicated, in continuity with the previous edition, the 'Open Cultures


. Art

11:10:01 Extrasensory.
It starts today and will last a week 's Extrasensory Festival in London, which will present events of sound art that uses light

Id / entity.

. Art

10:10:01 Id / entity.
Today at the MIT Media Lab in Boston will host a seminar titled Id / entity who will try to analyze

Computer Space 2001.

. Art

10:10:01 Computer Space 2001.
Today at the National Palace of Culture in Sofia, Bulgaria, opens the 2001 edition of Computer Space , a festival of