
. Art

25/10/01 ncc48.
For forty-eight hours (from today to Saturday) Graz, Austria, becomes the center of the worldwide debate on Here, in fact held ncc48

Deep Root.

. Art

25.10.01 Deep Root.
Inaugurated today in Hull, England in the ninth edition of Deep Root 2001 , a festival of live, sound and new media

Viper festival.

. Art

24.10.01 Viper festival.
Inaugurated today and will continue for four days in Basel, Switzerland, the twenty-first edition of the Viper International Festival for film, video Italian.

. Art

24.10.01 Italian.
– It's called ' Footprint 'web conceptual work of Domenico Oliviero, who, through a photographic diary recovered in various parts of the

Virtual Incarnations.

. Art

23:10:01 Virtual Incarnations.
Continue the performances of Virtual Incarnations 2001 , a series of dance and digital technologies. Tonight and tomorrow at the Queen Elizabeth

Net_user conference.

. Art

23:10:01 net_user conference.
It takes place today at the U.S. Center in Sofia, Bulgaria, the international conference net_user , which explores the processes of collaboration

Net Art Museum.

. Art

10/23/01 Net Art Museum.
The Net Art Museum is a new outlet for net.artists around the world, with an editorial that selects only jobs specific

Identity theft.

. Hacktivism

10/23/01 Theft of identity.
According to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the United States, the last year there has been a surge of identity