Digital music.

. EMusic

11.03.02 digital music.
Harry Connick Jr. is a singer (melodic), but also knows how to play the piano and sometimes reads as an actor, in

Involuntary Reception.

. Art

11:03:02 Involuntary Reception.
The first art project funded online dall'EAI (Electronic Arts Intermix) in New York is a video called ' Involuntary Reception '. It

Devolve into II.

. Art

11:03:02 devolves into II.
'Devolves into II' is a collaborative project of streaming accomplished through multiple media (internet, radio and exhibition spaces physical) that involves,

New Media Line.

. Art

08:03:02 New Media Line.
New Media Line is an exhibition of works of net art, which will be inspired by the 'line' as a conjunction

Interfacing Knowledge.

. Art

8.3.02 Interfacing Knowledge.
Interfacing Knowledge: New Paradigms for Computing in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences is the conference that as of today (08/03) for

Free the media!.

. Art

03/08/02 Free the media!.
Tomorrow in New York, at the Name.Space.Lab Paul Garrin summit will be held on ' Free the media, activism art +

Net art Italian: The Doorman.

. Art

07/03/02 Net art Italian: The Doorman.
Domiziana Giordano, net artist Italian member of the collective Digital Sisters Indeed, co-created with Reiner Strasser ' The Doorman

. Art

From a few 'years in film festivals awards are attributed also to the sequences of the headlines more creative, and therefore it is

New Italian Futurists.

. EMusic

07/03/02 New Italian Futurists.
Tonight (07/03) to the '291 Gallery 'in London (UK), takes place the mini-festival' New Italian Futurists' organized by with the

Hippie Brain Explosion.

. Art

07:03:02 Hippie Brain Explosion.
Hippie Brain Explosion is a drawing tool made ​​available online for generating pictorial visual elements that are placed at the boundary

Anti-Keylogger 1.12.

. Hacktivism

7.3.02 Anti-Keylogger 1.12.
The countermove keyloggers industrially produced (as Keykatcher, see ' Keykatcher ', or' Magic Lantern ', the upgrade of the FBI Carnivore), software