links for 2008-05-23 You’ve never seen a For Rent sign like this
Smartspaces weaves art into the fabric of daily life by placing it in the windows of temporarily vacant property spaces between tenants or in late-stage construction.
(tags: media art)

Flesh-and-Blood Biometrics – Network

links for 2008-05-22

Interactivos? Medialab-Prado Madrid
Interactivos? is a research and production platform for the creative and educational uses of technology with periodical gathering workshops and collaboration to share knowledge.
(tags: art media)

links for 2008-05-13

DADAMETER, Christophe Bruno (2002 – 2008)
Language transmutation into a global market ruled by Google et al, inspired by the work of Raymond Roussel, considered as a precursor of Dada
(tags: art net literature)

links for 2008-05-12

Karl Klomp
Karl Klomp modded video samplers,video descramblers and sync generators that change their visual output based on audio feeds, completely customizable.
(tags: art hacking music sound video)