Archive conferences of the Tate Modern Gallery.

. Art

14:02:03 Archive conferences of the Tate Modern Gallery.
is now available online archive of conferences conducted in 2001 and 2002 at the Tate Modern in London Gallry . Cured by the head of webcasting Honor Harger, have been inhabited a remarkable number of artists, curators, critics and theorists are able to create a rich and intriguing cross-section of contemporary culture. In terms of media art, in particular, there s'Surveillance & Control: an event 'projects related to technologies of surveillance and control with Marko Peljhan, Kate Rich, Julia Scher, Duncan Campbell, Eric Kluitenberg and Konrad Becker, or' Border Crossing 'on the role of borders in Europe with Heath Bunting, Florian Schneider and Armin Medosch, or' Those Marvellous Men and their Machination Machines' by Robert Coover, Florian Cramer and Jeff Noon. More goodies are the intervention of Lev Manovich in the seminar 'Time-based Media in the Art Gallery', and the conversation with Pipilotti Rist, as well as concerts joint Scanner, Oval and Kim Cascone, with three performances of laptop art, or electronics Vladislav Delay, Tennis and Rosy Parlane