Spotworks, the evolution of visuals

Scott Draves is an artist with an enviable technical skills. Over the years he has produced the project open, cross-platform 'Bomb', one of the first music software and refined viewers' Electric Sheep ', a screensaver distributed to the creation of artificial fascinating creatures. His artistic culture in science and delves into the history of science, being able to abstract processes and combine them to their aesthetic possibilities. In this DVD video proceeds are collected by three strands followed by Draves: Bomb and Electric Sheep, memo and a visual manipulation of the work of a scientist 800: Ernst Henkel. A loan, in fact, have been taken his visionary processing illustrated by processing images through the processes of composition of the dub. From the so-called 'digital zoom', which is the gradual shift from the vision of individual pixels to the overall image, the overlapping of the alien creations Henkel, videos put into practice a process fractal and hypnotic, which bases its spectacular perceptual stimuli on a property important for us: the symmetry. The continuous mirror of the elements and their shared creation (concept safeguarded even in the Creative Commons license works), ennobles aesthetic and scientific culture. In fact, the science and its laws that lurk behind every computer calculation, re-emerge through a visual culture that appropriates it, giving it a full sense and contemporary.