Virtual Sit-In against the Mexican Supreme Court.

. Hacktivism

10:10:02 Sit-In Virtual against the Mexican Supreme Court.
The Theater of Disorder Electronic promotes a Virtual Sit-in to protect the rights of the Indians of Mexico , against the recent decisions of the Supreme Court of Mexico. From 9 am on October 12 at 12 pm on the 14th, the people of the network is called to take a stand to highlight the activities of a government, the Mexican, who has not hesitated in the past to support the expansion of crime and corruption and now hides behind the questionable decisions of the Supreme Court, which has the sole effect of perceiving indigenous Mexicans as internal enemies. The proclamation of the Sit-In virtual points out that the state of Mexico, the Government of Mexico and the Court of Mexico, which should protect the most vulnerable within their territory, in fact carry out a systematic policy of exclusion of indigenous communities, only defending their own interests. The Theater of Disorder Electronic (Electronic Disturbance Theatre), which includes the organization of numerous protests in the network, such as the Virtual Sit-in in 1998 in favor of the Zapatista cause, once again invites the people of the network to fight for the rights denied and abuses of power.
Tatiana Bazzichelli