Resonances, music technologies in comparison.

. EMusic

14:10:02 Resonances, music technologies in comparison.
Comparing the digital revolution in the music with the invention of the phonograph, for economic and social consequences, IRCAM, the historic French institution of musical research, held October 14 to 18 Resonances, International Convention on Music Technologies an annual event that seeks to draw cartography international innovation of sound and its artistic developments and industrial applications. As organized according to criteria seemingly 'academics', offers Resonances debates and presentations including even that of the Italian Agnula project, which seeks to develop free software to support applications music on free operating systems (Linux, for example), seminars and evenings theme, and all aspects that affect the aesthetics and functionality of digital sound. Among those invited Douglas Hofstadter, Professor of Cognitive Sciences at Indiana University, author of 'Gödel, Escher, Bach', and Pierre Boulez.