2.3, theory and practice of software art.

On 30 and 31 May there is the media center of Helsinki on Lume READ_ME 2.3 Software Art Festival , a festival dedicated to software and its possibilities of artistic creation still to be discovered. At the opening conference 'Community: Software and People' is also present Neural, along with Amy Alexander instead presents Discordia, a new Weblog Community, and the Swiss Micromusic with their Microbuilder – community construction kit. The other conferences are planned: 'Software Cultures' with Tapio Makela, Lev Manovich, Florian Cramer, and Tim Pritlove (CCC) and 'Guerrilla Engineering' with Sintron, übermorgen and The Yes Men. Presentations are taking place instead of Tony Scott ('Taxonomy of Glitches') , 'Tool is the Message. Artistic Interfaces 'with Alex McLean and Adrian Ward,' Frankie the Robot 'with Ash Nehru and Christopher Fraser,' 'by Hans Bernhard, the local project' Paperikori ', a collaborative story chain via SMS, and' Blinkenlights project 'Tim Pritlove the Chaos Computer Club After editions of previous years accumulated experience has hoarded in the new public archive of software art Runme , and extracted from its archives there is a performance with the group Ubergeek The installations are finally chosen: 'Tempest for Eliza' Erik Thiele, 'aa-project/ttyquake' by Jan Hubicka and others / Bob Zimbinski, 'Connector' of ixi-software 'n_Gen machine design' Move of Design, 'Discomus 'of Anonymous,' SPS 'of (Karl) Robert Ek and' DOS pseudoviruses' by various artists.