Ram Project, see and hear the data in memory.

. Art

20:02:02 Ram Project, see and hear the data in memory.
Ram Project is a video in Quicktime made ​​by Cory Arcangel, interpreting the contents of the 128 megs of ram on his computer at a given time, ie at 08:46, 26 June 2001. Binary data have been interpreted in screens 50 to 25 pixels, with a depth of 2 bits, ie 4 shades of gray, and redesigned them as well as 16-bit audio. The whole is in a sequence of nearly 12 minutes in which the sound of the bits is accompanied by a minimal display them, as the whistles and static coming from the modem, to make another tangible dimension 'immaterial matter' that constitutes the data and their elusive essence.