Purring Kitty, Audi-Oh and Rez Trance Vibrator, pleasant vibration technology.

The gadgets and personal technologies are often represented in the fictitious narrative constructed as advertising for his own pleasure. But the idealized situations and without the slightest smear of the spots do not occur ever. Much more effective, however, some new techniques that seem aimed primarily female users, and effectively allow a novel use of some nice electronic equipment. First Purring Kitty , a software distributed at the time, in Europe via WAP protocol, which allows some models of Nokia mobile phones (3410, 6310i, 3510i, 7210, 6610, 5100, 6100, 6800, 7250, or those that are compatible java) to vibrate at will, and no one is calling. At the low price of £ 1.50 perticularly. The software consists of only two commands (start / stop) that activate the vibration device has already been tested effectively. The particulars of this Jane Pinckard of an alternative use of the 'trance vibrator ', a small device sold only in Japan along with the video game Rez could give moments lascivious those who follow them. The box similar to a mouse is designed to return the rapid return of strength during flight in the beautiful worlds graphic / game sound, but turn to the external female sexual organs allows a translation of the most fun and explosion incocciate resonances in the various levels of the game. In the launch phase, finally, the ' Audi-Oh , a device that applies the same principles of Purring Kitty and Trance Vibrator to audio sources, translating sounds into physical impulses. It can then use both the audio outputs of mp3 players that computer, enabling the configuration of speed, pace and intensity, as well as a mode 'ambient', which senses the ambient sounds (voices, noises, sounds …). Price: $ 70.