Pitchformula, reviews as a tool of composition.

The importance (and the possible fallibility) of the statistical analysis of data shows more and more intense use of the database, such as tools to create the sense of the frequency or the association of the data. The evidence comes from the numbers often mixes different domains of knowledge, highlighting unusual associations, which, if it were not for the statistical evidence, go unnoticed. An experiment systematic and original music creation induced by the data was accomplished by Loren Jan Wilson, on the occasion of his thesis. Pitchformula , in fact, is a project that uses an analysis of verbal behavior on the thousands of reviews on this site of Pitchfork, ricnosciuto archive of music reviews. The recurrence of the terms in the reviews themselves in a positive sense or negative, statistically established together with the liking of certain kinds or certain characteristics of the albums have together formed a 'weighted' guidelines, or general indications resulting from the collective judgment and protracted time of the various critics. The same lines were then applied by the author to the composition of a couple of songs accessible online. The results are not at all 'aseptic', indeed imitate a taste 'pop', albeit with limits on the composition of the author, who seems to be a sort of Spartan quintessence of contemporary rock productions. The author has ironically summarized his argument in terms of 'music critics as creative tool', but, as he himself declares in the FAQ to the contrary, it is inevitable tend to devalue the work of those who wrote those reviews as 'summa' end of a single dominant thought. To smile thinking of the possible results of such a tool applied to reviews of Rolling Stone as well as many magazines pseudo-independent …