Otolab, vjing conscious.

. EMusic

18:10:02 Otolab, vjing conscious.
The Otolab are a Milanese collective which, based on the free circulation of knowledge profitably experiment with the language audio / visual. Their website provides loop techno, sometimes deconstructed loop vj (gray area in the middle between the cyber and optical art), and several other well-asides that make the background of the group: to cut-up and applications of theories orgonic to the complex interaction of quartetto.swf, in which the narration sound / visual is assembled simultaneously on four laptops that, as if they were so many stringed instruments, contribute in the same way in achieving a synchronous event and complex. All this with a disenchanted eye and conscious to digital, as demonstrated by their participation Hackmeeting 2002 emphasizes the importance of their experiential path.