NYU Media Research Lab, digital experiments.

. Art

31.10.02 NYU Media Research Lab, digital experiments.
That eclectic professor of the Department of Computer Science (Media Research Lab in New York), Ken Perlin , is certainly one of the most interesting and diverse research in the field of digital image generation. Perlin, already active since the early 80's with collaborations with Walt Disney (TRON, 1982), has received numerous awards such as the NYC Mayor's Award for Excellence in Science and Technology (2002) and the Academy Award for Technical Achievement of 'Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. One of his most important works is the Perlin noise, a procedural texturing technique that gives a greater sense of reality with 3D. Another very important research being conducted in the field of animation, with whom he developed 'Improv', a software that can identify the characters through complicated mathematical algorithms (see his website, the study of facial expressions ): if the animation traditional, Bugs Bunny was in effect the expression of the animator who draws the cartoon, a Bugs Bunny built with Improv will have attributes such as body language, facial expressions, ways of doing things that will make it more and more independent of a virtual actor ' animator. What really stands out in the experiments published here, is the high of the spectacular images created with 'simple' Java applets mostly all freely downloadable and accessible by any user, and the choice to share these experiments with anyone willing to engage in the generation of digital images.
Clement Pestelli