, digital art in three dimensions.

. Art

04:01:03, digital art in three dimensions. is the department dedicated to new media at the Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art (NIFCA), which will come out from the controversially bidimensinalità of almost the entire net art to promote experimental three-dimensional architectural and cultural sense. The priority given to the interface computer creates the relationships expressed in the jobs accommodated, including: the endless corridors of synthetic Tobias Bernstrup Yugoslav bodies as opposed to asynchronous audio and Phil Collins, the stop motion pessimistic Simone Landwehr-Traxler, the pale abstractions fade Katarina Löfström, the setting designed in Flash with markers of busking tour Slender Whiteman, applets Grace Weir and their kind floral explosion-induced, and Kristian Simolin with their 'man in real time' that succumbs to the passing of the minutes.