Still a failure in facial recognition.

. Hacktivism

22:07:02 Still a failure in facial recognition.
The system test Identix (formerly called Visionics) Boston's Logan airport used for facial recognition of suspected terrorists have failed miserably. According to an article in the Boston Globe the same Identix has not been able to calibrate the system without ending or in a state of hypersensitivity, in which almost all of them are suspects, or in a state of semi-inertia, where anyone can pass the control with a pair of sunglasses. The tests also proved exasperating for the staff of airport, and despite boasting of Joseph Atick the CEO of Indentix, these techniques may not work when you have to deal with the crowds for too many confounding factors. In reality it is just business and speculation, but based on the terror of the people, bordering on the looting.