Hit Song Science software for musical achievements.

The sorrow of every record label medium-large is always to find the new 'hit', the crock of notes, rhythms, and (perhaps) voices / texts splashed topped the charts without a shot being fired. Succeeding in quest'improbo task is far from certain and, as experience, marketing and ruthless bargaining power distributions can influence, it is still the public to dictate final law on the matter. The last of the attempts to describe a scientific process that identifies tomorrow's success was made ​​by Polyphonic HMI , a company in Barcelona that is developing along with some British and American labels, including all the majors, a software called ' Hit Song Science (HSS) 'and defined as artificial intelligence'. This depth analysis of the tracks through mathematical pattern dettagliamente able to describe the type of structure. This is compared with that of other recent tracks of success to establish the degree of 'hitability' of the piece, ie how likely is he to succeed.