Hard Disk copy protected.

Second an online magazine English the latest and most sensational frontier of copy protection is going to be approved within a couple of months in the general silence. The Technical Committee dell'NCTIS, an organization for standards, blessed by ANSI, is discussing the inclusion of proprietary techniques for the protection of content on standard ATA drives, provided by the 4C Entity. These are nothing but the consortium has developed CSS2, ie IBM, Intel and Toshiba Matsushita. There are already three proposals for what is called CPRM (Content Protection for Recordable Media), a key to a Megabyte read-only, according to IBM, should be included in any commercial hard disk by next summer. The mechanism is already implemented in the DVD drive, but the big problem, which could be left unresolved, is that there will be serious problems in passing data from CPRM-compatible discs to discs that are not compatible with damage and considerable costs for companies .