Fibreculture 2002: Networks of Excellence.

. Art

23:11:02 Fibreculture 2002: Networks of Excellence.
It takes 22 to 24 November the second Fibreculture conference 2002 called 'Networks of Excellence 'at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney (Australia). Picking the subscribers of the seminal mailing list, a sort of nettime Australasia, the conference will focus on innovation and the importance of productive practices distributed and not centralized, the 'network of eccellence', in fact. In addition to screenings of video art that explore the aesthetics of new media, stand out sessions organized as panel discussions, the themes of which are freely fixed by the stess mailing list before the event. Among the speakers there are Julianne Pierce, director of the Australian Network for Art and Technology, Anna Munster who will coordinate the panel of Peer-2-peer media, Kate Crawford on 'Internet power struggles' and Graham Meikle with' Globalization, anti-globalization and the Internet '.