Fine Art Forum.

. Art

02:01:02 Fine Art Forum.
The Fine Art Forum (FAF) is celebrating fifteen years of online activity, in which he documented the new media art Asia and Australia, with a traveling exhibition of fourteen new talents with their digital works: 'A Friday's Prayer' (Malaysia ) Tan Jin Ho; 'Imagine (New Zealand) by Raewyn Turner,' Cog '(Australia) Irina Goundortseva,' Microwave '(Singapore / USA), Tan Pin Pin,' Dissect '(Australia) Tina Gonsalves,' Derman '(Singapore) by Michel Kao, Eldred Tjie, Andrea Chan, Nicholas Liaw,' Recovered Affinities' (France) by Cynthia Beth Rubin & Videochroniques, 'Against the Tide' (Singapore) Koh Siang Leng, Kek Li Ching Lee Beng Kuang, James Lee, Wong Tuck Yin, 'Self-Potrait: The on Some Pieces of Paper' (Philippines) by David Liongoren, 'Sanctuary' (Singapore) by Gabriel Teo Eng Giap, 'Women' (Taiwan) Charlene Shih , 'The Adventure of Cepe' (Singapore) Shela Wong, Kolla Effaroy, 'indefinable Moods' (USA), Kathy Smith and 'The Wishing Tree' (Singapore) Chen Lin.