The 50 agencies American are not coordinated.

. Hacktivism

07/25/02 The 50 agencies American are not coordinated.
According to a report of the U.S. Congress, not less than fifty federal organizations responsible for protecting critical infrastructure from cyber attacks, are desperate to find a strategy that face work together. According to the GAO, General Accounting Office, involved five committees are advisory, six organizations of the White House, 38 groups associated with other departments or agencies, and other organizations. Among them also the Environmental Protection Agency, which drives the watch on the water supply to the country that could be put at risk by a targeted attack. The GAO says that despite the efforts made to modernize federal systems are not secure enough in spite of the critical data they transmit. The scourge of the systems is therefore the coordination is achieved through relationships which currently ill-defined when not inconsistent. The same GAO in its report urged the White House to intervernire consequently also in its initiative 'National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace' which will be presented in September. In response, finally, Richard Clarke, the head of the President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board stated that "Most of the computational power in the U.S. is not held by government structures but by private companies, universities, local governments and private users, which presents a challenge of coordination. "