Censure radio.

. EMusic

19:09:01 Censure radio.
An unofficial list of songs from slipshod shown after the tragedy in New York and Washington last week's popped out, finding credible support in the current programming of the American stations. The list was compiled by the network Clear Channel radio programmers but also began to spread to several other stations. Among the songs that are not transmitted "Another One Bites the Dust" (pictured) by Queen and "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin. Even the BBC has begun to exclude some songs, including the remake of "It's Raining Men" by Geri Halliwell. Television stations also are taking measures, such as the exclusion of the movie Independence Day, previously scheduled frequently, while the upcoming movie Spiderman and Men in Black 2 are undergoing post-production editing to remove the presence of the World Trade Center. According to John Perry Barlow of the EFF "There is self-censorship of mass in place and it is very worrying, given that censorship is the most insidious thing.