Stop the war with the PlayStation + Tiny Signs of Hope.

. Hacktivism

23/11/02 Stop the war with the PlayStation + Tiny Signs of Hope.
The PlayStation inciting violence? Not really. Here it is used to fight the war and take a stand for human rights. The online campaign ' Buy Bush a PlayStation 2 ', signed Mikel Reparaz, was born with the idea that video games for the PlayStation may have a cathartic function. Following the recent events in American politics and the threat of military invasion of Iraq, it seemed pretty clear to Mikel Reparaz that President Bush is more oriented to satisfy his fantasies bellicose and play the commandos to make a reflection on the real reasons for such a conflict. Evidently, says Reparaz, Bush has never played with the PlayStation 2. Here then is the launch of "The PlayStation 2 Buy Bush Campaign", which included a collection of online fund to buy (and send) to the American president a PlayStation 2 console and a copy of SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs, a military- game definitely suited to the tastes of the president. In a short time you have reached the required amount (270 U.S. dollars), thanks to a large membership by the Internet community. At the gift is accompanied by a letter, in which you express puzzlement and concern for the impending war in Iraq and calling on the president to play at war with the PlayStation 2, instead of causing a probable massacre of innocent civilians. At the end of the letter, we read the names of the donors participating in the campaign. But the virtual resistance to the war in Iraq and all kinds of war, is also expressed in other forms. The project Tiny Signs of Hope provides several online tools for Sima community, to "decorate" with virtual posters bearing messages of peace and endurance, your environment Sim. You can download it from the icons to be included in the environment strictly Sim free to express their own political and social commitment in the game. Among the many: Not in Our name, Anarchy Symbol, Do Not Enter Iraq Flag Peace Sign, Do not Bomb Icon.
Tatiana Bazzichelli