edited by Rosa Menkman & Luzi Gross – Reader No. 4 im/possible images


Lothringer 13 Halle, English, German, 198 pages, 2023, Germany

Over the years, Rosa Menkman has developed a unique aesthetic and approach to images produced by machines and their hidden mechanisms. In her research project “im/possible images” she explored the edgy technical dimension of some images through several institutes, starting with an award-winning project at CERN. The question of how to imagine ”impossible” images was answered by numerous scientists in Geneva and then realised in the exhibition ”im/possible images”, which took place in summer 2021 at Lothringer 13 in Halle and was conceived by Menkman and produced by Luzi Gross. The exhibition was conceived with various intersecting paths, each containing selected artworks that correspond to certain characteristics, such as low fidelity, “ambiguous technical interpretation”, images that were once possible and have now become impossible, and images that are unreadable. Here, these trajectories are explained by the artists. The essays include ”Can the Sun Lie” by Susan Schuppli, ”the manual for the open weather” by the group of the same name and the text of the video essay RGBFAQ by Alan Warburton. The reader is printed and arranged in folders, as if they were chapters, which in their entirety represent a valuable compendium for understanding the complex technical nature of contemporary images.