Pneumatic Parliament, instant democracy

Pneumatic Parliament

The icon that combines the western democracies and that self-legitimizes them in a millennial historical tradition is the parliament, the physical place where the people’s designated representatives rule. This icon has also become the holy symbol of the western crusades against the so-called ‘regimes’. These are forms of government, just located in economically strategic areas not by accident, that employ less linear elective systems. The Pneumatic Parliament project by Peter Sloterdijk and Gesa Mueller van der Haegen brings a sarcastic thrust to the pretended western democracies’ supremacy, and to their claim of exporting their own model to other states. The work has been developed in the context of the ‘instant democracy’ project and it consists of a structure for parliamentary assemblies that can be air-dropped and that self-opens into almost the final form. After minimal corrections of positions it automatically becomes self-sufficient also for its own energy supplying. Perfectly placing itself in the psychological territory of the so much pushed ‘fight the international terrorism’ propaganda, the project narrates of fictional (but sadly plausible) institutions, that commissions to a single entity the building of the supporting infrastructure of their invasive politics.