Instant Drawing Machine, sketched interaction

Instant Drawing Machine

You don’t have to go to Rome’s Trevi fountain and throw a coin in the water to let your wishes be fulfilled. Now with the IDM, Instant Drawing Machine (made by Oliver Halsman Rosenberg and Clint Taniguchi aka ‘Crust and Dirt’) the place where you can make your offer for a good omen is mobile. The two project authors can spread their work without moving from their own studio in San Francisco. They ask friends to place a laptop in the street of a distant city, in a discreet but attracting style as a futuristic votive tabernacle. The interactive machine has a wireless net connection and a webcam, and it reveals its own nature to passerby, that then stand by intrigued. As anonymous occult mediators, the authors ask them to spend some of their time (usually spent in daily stuff) making a wish or a hope and making their own contribution in a chocolate can. The instant reward (consolation) is the almost immediate drawing of their thoughts on the screen. So far Crust and Dirt has performed in Barcelona, London, New York, Tokyo, etc. etc., but the project goes on, because it is still open to collective participation. Anybody can bring the Instant Drawing Machine in his city. Simply drop them an email.

Francesca Colasante