Delete! Delettering the Public Space, delete the public space sold.


How much public space is sold for advertising purposes is difficult to estimate it. Our visual landscape is crowded with logos, names that will directly or indirectly trying to sell something. The combination of all of these spaces represents a sizable percentage of what our eyes can embrace, although it is difficult to make an objective assessment. Delete! Steinbrener and Christoph Rainer Dempf is a project that allowed the artist to hold for three weeks (June 6 to 30) all advertising signs, billboards, logos, signs and almost all traffic signals of a major shopping street in the seventh district of Vienna with glossy yellow paper. The alienating effect, but unusually calm was to a reconfiguration of a small urban space freed from the mass of semiotics invasive that had gradually permeated the years, eliminating the surface in a single neutral aesthetic feature. Leave room for the intervention in the sacred places of artistic propaganda represents the potential failure of a dogma, and the beginning of a possible negotiation of visual space public. The right of citizens to be able to maintain low visual stimuli, and then mentally induced by the seller, is in fact part of the ecology of the same mind, when urgent to protect the environment that surrounds it.